Dr. Raj Upadya provides the best possible dentistry and treatment options to his patients. With a compassionate and caring manner, Dr. Upadaya helps patients restore all aspects of their oral health. From preventative teeth cleanings to full mouth reconstructions, Dr. Upadya offers the skill, knowledge, and experience of a well trained Dawson dentist. As a Dawson trained dentist, Dr. Upadya has undergone advanced training of complex dental techniques in order to provide complete dental care to secure a stable and beautiful smile.
Choosing a Dawson Dentist is investing in your oral wellness. A Dawson dentist is committed to a career-long journey of continuing education. Dawson dentists remain on the cutting edge of dental technology and take a holistic approach to the treating dental concerns. This month we take a closer look at just a few reasons you may consider choosing Dr. Upadya, a Dawson Academy Dentist.
Why Choose A Dawson Dentist?
Benefit from Complete Dental Care
A Dawson dentist believes in the concept of complete dentistry. This concept is rooted in the philosophy WIDIOM. “Would I Do It On Me”. Dr. Upadya treats patients on an individual basis taking the time to analyze and discuss all parts of the occlusal system. We look to achieve harmonious function necessary to maintain a healthy smile. Dr. Upadya addresses underlying dental problems affecting the balance in the bite, contributing to a current dental concern or laying the foundation for future problems that may also affect the results of any dentistry.
Enjoy a Stable, Comfortable Bite
Dawson dentists are trained to analyze the 10 structural and functional factors of the chewing system. This allows Dr. Upadya to identify dental problems that the patient may not realize they have that could cause future problems, or maybe the silent cause or an underlying trigger of painful symptoms. Diagnosing these issues early and treating them with conservative dentistry saves patients time, money and possible side effects of a dental concern.
Highly Skilled Dentistry
Dr. Upadya is a teacher and a student, and constantly enriches is dental skill through the Dawson Academy. At the Dawson Academy in Florida, dentists teach dentists to be better dentists. This means that patients benefit from the comprehensive knowledge of multiple facets of dentistry and patient care that a Dawson trained dentist has acquired during training and applied to his/her dentistry. Dr. Upadya practices this method of complete dentistry every day in his Florham Park dentist office, maintaining his patients’ oral health for the long term and helping them achieve the smiles they desire.
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