Dental Crowns consist of a variety of tooth like materials that cover the tooth like a cap. They are used to improve one’s smile and give it a natural, luminous appearance. Dental Crowns are often used to improve the appearance of teeth that have become extremely discolored, to protect a weak or decaying tooth, to restore a worn down or broken tooth, to cover a tooth that needs a large filling when there is not much tooth left, to hold a dental bridge in its place, or to cover up a dental implant.
Dental Crowns can be made of many different types of materials, including metals, porcelain, resin and ceramic. Most of today’s dental crowns are constructed purely of ceramic due to its durability and lifelike appearance. Both ceramic and porcelain can be constructed to match the natural color of the teeth. Preparing for dental crowns does require a few visits to the dentist in order to prepare adequately. The dentist will need to take a few X-rays in order to make sure that there is no extensive tooth decay. If extensive tooth decay does exist, a root canal will first need to be performed.
The dentist will then numb you tooth and the surrounding tissue in order to reshape the tooth and make an impression to receive the crown. During this time, the dentist will make a temporary crown to protect the teeth while the permanent one is being manufactured. The impressions are then sent off to a dental laboratory where they will be manufactured. This process will take around two to three weeks before they can be returned for use.
Lastly, the dentist will remove the temporary crown and the new crown will be cemented in to place. If the crown is made of porcelain, the dentist will have to closely match the tooth or teeth to the surrounding teeth. The patient can then enjoy his or her new smile for many years to come. Dental crowns last an average of five to fifteen years before they
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